How to Get an Apartment With Bad Credit: 10 Tips to Get Approved

You can order a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — through AnnualCreditReport. You’ll want to look at all three, as one or more may have an error. If you do see errors on your credit reports, take steps to fix them immediately and be prepared to explain these to your prospective landlord. It will take some time, but could potentially improve your credit and make it easier to get your dream apartment.

4. Provide a reference letter

If you’re worried about how to get an apartment with bad credit, it may be a good idea to provide references. If you’ve consistently paid your rent on time and in full in the past, it’s a good sign that you’re going to keep doing so in the future. If you can get a recommendation from one or more of your old landlords or property managers attesting to your positive history, it’s a strong case that you’ll be good for the money.

5. Get a co-signer or roommate

You don’t have to be the only one who’s good for the money. If you have a roommate, adding their name to the lease in addition to yours will give you more credibility if they have better credit or a better rental history than you do.
If you don’t have a roommate, getting a co-signer will let you use someone else’s credit to apply for the apartment. Just be aware that if someone co-signs with you and you fall behind on payments, it’s their responsibility to pay the rent, which can cause some serious personal issues.

6. Be honest about bad credit

Don’t wait for the credit report to come back before you tell management about the issues you’ve had in the past. They’re going to find out anyway, so it should come for you. If you’re straightforward from the beginning and show that you’re improving, they’re more likely to be accommodating. This includes disclosing the type of debt (some, like medical bills, are much more easily forgiven than others) and your current income and assets. It is also possible to have bad credit score phones. Show that despite a bad credit history, you have enough money to make your payments. A cover letter or letter of credit can come in handy here to help make your case. It is also possible to have bad credit score phones.


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