Mobile Phone Buying Guide Without Credit Card

To get a mobile phone contract or SIM only deal in the UK you need to undergo a credit check. The credit checks are performed to judge the creditworthiness of the customers whether they will be able to make the bill payments on time or not. The most stringent credit checks are done on 24th-month contracts where a person is offered a new Smartphone. If it is a SIM-only deal then credit checks are not very stringent.
Because of the credit check requirements, many are not offered a mobile phone contract. The requirement is you have to be at least 18 years of age and need to have a UK credit history to get a contract mobile phone approval. Apart from that, the mobile phone networks have their own internal credit criteria and as per their rules and regulations, your application for a mobile phone contract is judged. The credit check process and policy of each UK mobile network is different.
If you do not pass the above requirements then you need to get bad credit score phonesYou can get a mobile phone without a credit check as well. There are no credit check deals that will work for you and these are cheaper and flexible. You don’t have to pass the hassle of a credit check either.
If you do not have a good credit history then you need to go for mobile phones on contract bad credit. Not all UK mobile networks want you to undergo a credit check. Pay monthly contracts to have the toughest contract checks so you need to get in touch with providers who offer phones with bad credit. They have a range of suppliers and they help customers get a contract phone even if their credit rating is not good.
Some suppliers may ask you to make an upfront payment. The upfront payment will depend on the type of handset you are choosing. If you choose an expensive handset then the upfront deposit will be more as compared to the cheaper handsets. Then the rest of the payment will be adjusted in the monthly bills you get.


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