Computer Repair Avoidance – Don’t Believe Everything You Read

 Given that the web site we just went to told us to install “Extreme Flash Player” should be the first point that arouses our suspicion. The user account control dialog box then tells us that we are about to give control of our computer to “Guangzhou Shibei Information Technology Co. Ltd”. At this point a computer user must decide whether they trust what they’re being told to install as clicking “Yes” will give full control of the computer over to the software that you’re installing. Unlike viruses, Trojan Horses are programs that the computers user has chosen to install and this is how malicous software gets installed onto peoples computers. Clicking yes on the User Account Control dialog box shown here will give any program full access to your computer be it a malicious program or not. Clicking yes on the User Account Control dialog box shown here will give any program full access to your computer be it a malicious program or not.

There are a number of different products on the market that are designed to remove Trojan Horse software and thus avoid a potentially costly computer repair bill, but the best solution is always going to avoidance. Trojan horses are not specific to the PC and Mac, Tablet and Cell phones are equally susceptible to them. There is no computer that is immune to infection and damage if the computers user is willing to install unchecked code onto the machine. The moral of this story is not to rely on anti-virus software to protect you from malicious software. In many cases having an anti-malware protection system installed will help to remove a trojan horse however if the malicious software is not removed immediately then in most cases you will be faced with what would have been an avoidable computer repair.

If you are located in the Waukesha or Milwaukee metropolitan areas then IT Connect computer service center can make sure you will not lose any of your documents and other personal information that is stored on your computer. If your computer is infected with a trojan horse then you are most likely to need the help of a professional so as to make sure that the infection does not come back and that you don’t lose any of your data.ojan Horse infections there is little that can be done to prevent computer users from installing them.  The trojan horse, by definition is not a virus, and anti-virus software provides a very poor defense against them.  The best approach to Trojan Horses is avoidance; be wary of any software that asks you to install it in order to view content.  While there is a program on most computers called “Flash Player” that is real and useful for viewing certain types of websites, a real update to Java or Flash will either happen automatically, or appear in the ‘tray’ in the lower right corner of the screen.  Anything appearing in the web browsing window itself if more likely to be malicious and should not be installed.

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