Highly Addictive $6 Painkiller Lyrica Ruining The Lives Of Australians

 A painkiller prescribed to millions of unsuspecting patients is ruining the lives of young Australians and tearing their heartbroken families apart. 

Boxes of the highly addictive painkillers called Lyrica, manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, can be purchased from chemists across Australia for as little as $6.  

While millions of scripts for the cheap and accessible drug continue to be filled by doctors, Lyrica has left a growing number of Australians wishing they had never popped their first pill.

Several reports have been found of how the pill proved toxic to Aussies using it.


First was Christalla Andreadis, 52, who was first introduced to the pill after she met a severe spinal injury in a horror car crash back in 2017. The finance broker on the left used the drug to numb her chronic pain and reported that doctors continued to increase her dosage until she was taking 450mg of that pill a day. 

Ms. Andreadis told A Current Affair if she had known what she does today about the dangerous pills, she would never have taken such a highly addictive painkiller in the first place.

It’s taken around two years to wean herself off the high dosage, but the broker admits she still takes a small amount to feed her debilitating addiction, which is scary.

She said that; It took every ounce, every fibre of her body to come off completely of the pill effects.

She was worried about where that would end. And that she couldn’t see light at the end of the tunnel. She was fed up!

A similar heartbreaking incident occurred to Gayle Wilson’s daughter Anita, who, before being prescribed Lyrica, was described as a bright and bubbly young woman. 

The 33-year-old started taking the drug knowing about its pharmaceutical benefits after she had her wisdom teeth removed in 2017; but soon after she became addicted to the pills and began to self-medicate. 

Read Full Article: https://theaussieway.com.au/highly-addictive-6-painkiller-lyrica-ruining-the-lives-of-australians/


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