How To Protect Your Business From Trademark Infringement?


Why should I hire a trademark attorney in Australia?
Good question!

Well, for starters, applying for a trademark with IP Australia may seem like a fairly easy process at the outset. However, one single error can have your application rejected straightaway.

Plus, not to forget, any changes and rectifications with your trademark application form is a daunting task and usually attract unwanted expenses.

With trademarking lawyers by your side, one can readily do away with common mistakes and mitigate the chances of their application being rejected on silly grounds. A trademark attorney in Australia understands the grounds of objection against your trademark and can respond convincingly. Also, the attorney can attend court hearings if need be, and keep a vigil on any third-party markings that might bear a resemblance.

International Certification of Goods and Services (NICE classification). Now, out of these, 34 are reserved for the Goods category, whereas the remaining 11 are for services. In total, the classification comprises no less than 80,000 different products. So, one can easily get confused and make a mistake in recognizing the right class for their products, which in turn can be a reason for rejection. With a trademark lawyer in the picture, you will have nothing to worry about.

Building a new business is always a tough job.

And while one always strives to go unique with their trademarking, chances are your application with IP Australia may be returned or rejected on multiple grounds. This is where a trademark lawyer cuts in and promises absolute peace of mind.

Read More: Protect Your Business From Trademark Infringement


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