How To Trademark And Copyright Your Website’s Name & Logo


Believe it or not, thousands of website designs are being randomly copied and used by similar businesses every day. As such, it puts the original business in great jeopardy as it mar’s their essence and individuality.

This is where website copyright infringement comes into the picture and in the hands of functional trademarking lawyers, your intellectual interests can be safeguarded.

In this post, we mull over the website copyright laws in Australia, their implications, copyright vs trademark infringement, and everything else in between. Read on!

Copyright Protection Laws In Australia -Things you ought to know

First things first, the Australian Copyright Council happens to be the central entity that has sole governing rights and authority for any copyright issues that one might encounter with their website.

However, before you trademark your website, you will need to know some basics:

Remember, that a whole website is never protected by copyright laws. Instead only certain components like artworks or any graphic, brand logo, and the source code are the one that falls under the protected category.

In event of any copyright infringement, you are to direct the matter to your trademark lawyer.

Alternatively, you can also mail the website owners that have seemingly copied your website without consent to take down the inclusions and send the organization a formal letter to comply.

The Copyright protection law in Australia pertains to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and the duration for the same is almost a lifetime or 70 years for the creator. Now, one must understand that the copyright is applicable for published as well as unpublished works.

In other words, if you are still drafting the content of your website and have yet to publish it, you still have nothing to worry about as you are already protected for the same.

Read More: How To Trademark And Copyright Website’s Name & Logo


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