Design Rights Vs Design Registration: Key Differences


The registration of both a trademark and a design is a distinct and important thing. On the surface, they appear to be the same, but in reality, they are both a form of intellectual property (IPR). You could select the best security for your intellectual property, though, if you were aware of the differences. The logo, term, name, or symbol used to identify your company is legally protected if you apply for a trademark. Design registration, on the other hand, protects the external characteristics of a company’s product, such as its appearance, form, or configuration. To learn more about the key distinctions between design registration and trademark registration, scroll down.

Based on the Definition

A Trademark mainly implies a logo or a mark that represents your business. It is generally found in different forms such as words, names, logos, slogans, etc. This mark helps the user to differentiate a company’s product from the rest of the competition. Trademark Registration in Australia performs as a protective measure for a company’s intangible assets.

Based on Intention

A Trademark can exist in different forms, such as a name, logo, or work. In the end, it should obey the uniqueness, but it does not seek innovation.

A design serves a particular intention or objective and an application. It is simply a diagrammatic representation. It is prepared by experts. Hence, it should be innovative in nature.

Being a part of Intellectual Property Rights, this registration seeks to render the same protection, at least from a leisure point of view. While an eye-catching trade dress builds up the product’s association with its origin, an attractively designed product improves the commercial value and artistic appeal.

The line dividing the Trademark and Design Registration is hazy, yet these two intellectual property rights are fundamentally made up of some common qualities and have a tendency to overlap. For a better grasp of this, one should always consult with trademarking lawyers.

Read More: Design Rights Vs Design Registration: Key Differences


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