Ensure Trade Mark Protection For Your Newly Launched Business Or Product


When you think about it, your business name or your brand of products is perhaps the most valuable asset of your business. It only makes sense, right, to ensure you own that valuable Intellectual Property.

Often times, however, it is not until after launching the business and getting some revenue that a business owner decides to turn their attention towards protecting their brand.

It is also important to engage expert Trademark lawyers to ensure that your name is not already owned by another business, somewhere else in Australia. IP Partnership can carry out a comprehensive Trade Mark search report to ensure that your proposed name is not only not a prior registered Trade Mark, but is also not showing up on social media or online as being used by a competitor. If a competitor is using the name before you, they will have grounds to oppose your Trade Mark application based on prior use.

As a law firm that assists many clients with Australian trademark registration and International trademark registration, it can be frustrating for some clients who spend time and resources into developing a brand, only to discover they may not be able to own that brand as a registered Trade Mark.

If you have any queries about Trade Mark registrations in Australia or internationally or if you require a trade mark lawyer to send a cease and desist letter or respond to a cease and desist letter please, or register Trademark Australia. Do not hesitate to contact the experts at IP Partnership. We are trademark lawyers Gold Coast, however we assist Clients located all over Australia and Internationally to apply for a Trademark.

Read More: Ensure Trade Mark Protection For Newly Launched Business


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