How to Gua Sha


Nativ Sens Body Gua Sha range is versatile and has a multitude of benefits depending on the amount of pressure you apply to the body. Used with light to medium pressure it can be used to help you awaken your circulatory system, expel residual toxins and helps eliminate excess fat in the lymphatic system. Using harder pressure Nativ Sens Body Gua Sha can also be an effective tool for self-myofascial release, sculpt and help relief sore muscles. 

The best way we found to help people understand this concept is: Let’s say you have a dirty ring around your bathtub and you want to clean it. What’s the first thing you’re going to do? Most people say: Put soap on it and start scrubbing the ring. But if you do that and you haven’t cleaned the hair out of the drain first, when you start scrubbing and put the water in the tub, you’ll get a backlog of dirty water at the drain. So when you’re doing your lymphatic massage, first start at the main lymph nodes,  neck, armpit, and the top of the thigh and abdomen.

To begin, prep your skin with a lubricant, and using short strokes with the side of a Body Gua Sha that fits that part of your body. You want to massage the fluid in one direction: toward the lymph nodes, not in circles. 

Lymphatic Draining legs:  Start by pumping your lymph nodes at the back of your knees 5-10 times) then you can use short gentle stokes and work up each leg and thigh toward the inside of your knee. Focus on working into the pelvic ligament area for the maximum benefit of lymphatic flow and drainage.

This whole routine should take around 3-5 minutes. Your skin might look a bit red afterwards, but don’t worry — it’s just the blood rushing to the face. 

Incorporating Gua Sha into your beauty routine is a simple and relaxing way to boost skin circulation, reduce puffiness and tighten the face. 

Broadly, it’s a great way to manage inflammation and promote healthy blood flow.

Read More: How to Gua Sha


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